Juutinen, JariViimeinen näytös Year of writing: 2023 Male: 2 Lue näytelmän tiedot suomeksi Log in or register to download the play Juutinen, Jari Playwright and director Jari Juutinen (b. 1959) does not shy away from difficult subjects. In I am Adolf Eichmann (2005) he shows us the man behind the war criminal. The author's other works Julia, Julia!Kekkonen! Eli totuus SuomestaLahti! Eli totuus Suomesta 2Minä olen Adolf EichmannMinä, Faransis W.
Juutinen, Jari Playwright and director Jari Juutinen (b. 1959) does not shy away from difficult subjects. In I am Adolf Eichmann (2005) he shows us the man behind the war criminal.