Luz Lopez, AgostinaLa Laguna

Year of writing: 2012
Female: 2, male: 1

A father, together with his two daughters, travels to his hometown. Night’s rest is over yet it feels as if the day hasn’t begun; the sun rises, but this family never leaves the highway.

The father doesn’t drive anymore, his perception is altered and the time is still. In an immobile car in the middle of the road, this family stops the future to remember the past and revive it tirelessly.

The father remembers his mother teaching him how to swim, the daughters remember the music band they used to have with his father as little girls. Everything is rememberance. They are melancholic characters who are incapable of any movement towards the future. They choose to use the music as a shelter to mount a resistance against the passing of time.

Rights: Nordic and Baltic Countries.

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