Ottar och kärleken
Through the portrait of the pioneer, "Ottar", Elise Ottesen-Jensen (1886-1973) Gunilla Thorgren has, in a biography and here in the form of a drama, hailed a courageous woman who stubbornly fought for women's right to decide over their own body. Contraceptives, free abortion and secular sex education stood high on her agenda in the fight against the patriarchal norms within the family and society. In 1933 she founded the RFSU and opened the dialogue on tabooed topics. In the play two actors shares the Ottar part: In the midst of life and at the end. They carry a rich text along with five other actors who, in short scenes, alternate between characters in her life and the society back then. "In today's world there is a need for Ottar more than ever," wrote the critic of leading Swedish newspapaper, SD.
Rights: Finland, Baltic Countries